Bargain Birdies

I was perusing some thrift store shelves recently and came across this box of manilla envelopes. So cool! For $3 I felt I couldn’t go wrong. No sooner were they on my desk then they started calling to me. Why I was inspired to put birds on the cover I don’t know, but I love the result!



The tree branches and trunk were created using the edge of a Distress Ink pad. I’m really happy with the tree bark bits left un-inked – it adds dimension. I knew I wanted to add some collaged leaves, so the stamped birdie images are just a place holder for the bird cut-outs coming up.


I restamped the bird images onto pages from an old dictionary and used distress inks to bring the birds to life. They aren’t ready to be glued down, though, because these birds need some shade and I want them in the foreground, not the background.


Here are my “leaves.” I used Distress Inks (once again!) in various greens to colour another dictionary page. Then I had fun ripping up the paper into leaf like shapes.


Golden’s fluid matte medium makes sure everything stays in place as I divvy up the shades of green for more visual interest.


It’s starting to look a little more tree-like. Don’t worry, those birds aren’t going to fade into the background!

Here there are, these beautiful birdies looking sharp amidst a shady tree. 20140724_17245120140724_172430

It makes me so happy to look at this little scene! I think the blue bird is my favourite. Which one is yours?

I have about 25 envelopes left… any ideas for what to do next?!20140724_172411

18 thoughts on “Bargain Birdies

  1. May I ask what technique you used to color the birds? I know you said you used the distress ink pads, but how did you apply the color? Also, what did you end up doing with this envelope piece? What other ways have you ended up using the other manila envelopes? Sorry, I know… a lot of questions. You are so talented, I’m just so interested. Thank you so much!!

  2. These chubby little happy birdies are just precious! Maybe you could use different mediums/techniques to create different birds or animals on the other

  3. Hola, Christina:
    Me quedé encantada con tu imaginación con estos pajaritos hechos de tan simple material que tipicamente todos tenemos en nuestro hogar. Gracias por compartir esta actividada que nos da gusto por un rato y que nos lleva a un lugar sin penas o preocupaciones. Yo también comparto contigo el gusto de usar material tipo reciclaje que ahora mismo voy a tratar de asimilar esta técnica que nos has enseñado. ¡Felicidades y de nuevo gracias!
    –Silveria ❤

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